Saturday 26 September 2020

Australian Slangs | Daily use Phrases | Aussie accent

 Australian Slangs | Daily use Phrases | Aussie accent 

Australian Slangs | Daily use Phrases | Aussie accent

Hey! Welcome back here are few more slangs for Aussie accent. Learn these slangs sound more natural in Aussie accent. OK BEST OF LUCK. And 1 more tip don't forget to watch Australian shows because listening helps in learning fast and better way.

1. cracked me up - made me laugh

ex:- That comedian joke crakes me up.

2. Have a crack - have a try for action (not for food only for action)

ex:- Have a crack for this this exam.

3. It's a bit tricky - it's difficult

ex:- Learning Chinese language is a bit tricky. 

4. on the back burner - finish it later

ex:- The government quietly put the scheme on the back burner.

5. Dodgy - not trustworthy/ not very good

ex:- He was a bit of  a dodgy character.

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