Friday 18 September 2020

CLASS 12 GEOGRAPHY | Important points and short notes | Chapter: 3 Population Composition

 CLASS 12 GEOGRAPHY | Important points and short notes | Chapter: 3 Population Composition 


CLASS 12 GEOGRAPHY | Important points and short notes | Chapter: 3 Population Composition

1. People of any country can be distinguished by their age, sex, and their place of residence, and other distinguished are occupation, education and life expectancy.

2. The ration between the number of women and men in the population is called the Sex ratio. Sex ration is important to know the status of female in a country. In some countries, it is calculated by using the formula:
Male population\Female population * 1000
In India the sex ration is calculates by this formula:
Female population\Male population * 1000

3. Where gender discrimination is rampant, the sex ration is bound to be unfavourable to females. the sex ration is favorable for females in 139 countries of the world and unfavourable for them in 72 countries. Practice of infanticide and domestic violence against women are prevalent is one of the reason for lower socio-economic status of women. The more women in the population doesn't mean they have better status might men have migrated to other areas for employment.

CLASS 12 GEOGRAPHY | Important points and short notes | Chapter: 3 Population Composition

4. The world population sex ration is of 102 males per 100 females. The highest sex ration in the world recorded in Latvia with 85 males per 100 females. Lowest sex ration is in Qatar with 311 males per 100 females. Asia has low sex ration Countries like China, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan.

5. Age structure represents the number of people of different age groups. A large population in  the age group of 15-59 years indicates a large working population. A greater proportion of population above 60 years represents ageing population that requires expenditure on health care facilities care. Young population means that region has high birth rate and population is youthful.

CLASS 12 GEOGRAPHY | Important points and short notes | Chapter: 3 Population Composition

6. Age- sex pyramids represents the numbers of males and females in different age groups and shapes represent characteristics of the population. Nigeria Age-sex pyramid is triangular shaped with a wild base and is typical of less developed. Australia's age-sex pyramid  shows births and death rates are almost equal leading to constant population. Japan age-sex pyramid shows population growth is zero or negative. 

CLASS 12 GEOGRAPHY | Important points and short notes | Chapter: 3 Population Composition

7. Division of population into rural and urban is based on the residence, and their life styles differ because of livelihood, social conditions. occupation, density of population, level of development. Rural areas people are engaged in primary activities and urban areas people are engaged in non-primary activities.

8. The excess of female in urban areas of U.S.A., Canada and Europe is the result of job opportunities and security. Farming in developed country is also highly mechanised and is largely done by males. But in male dominated countries like India, Females participation in farming activity in rural area is fairly high. Shortage of housing, paucity in job opportunities and lack of security in cities, discourage women to migrate from rural to urban areas.

9. Working population take parts in manufacturing, agriculture, communication and many other unclassified services. Agriculture, fishing are classifies as primary activities manufacturing as secondary activity, communication and other services as tertiary activities and jobs related to research, information, as quaternary activities. 

CLASS 12 GEOGRAPHY | Important points and short notes | Chapter: 3 Population Composition

10.These sectors are indicators of level of development. If economy is still in the primitive stages the means large number of people are engaged in primary activities, world be high as it involves extraction of natural resources. 

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