Sunday 20 September 2020

CLASS 12 GEOGRAPHY | Important Points & Short Notes | Chapter: 2 Physical Features of India

 CLASS 12 GEOGRAPHY | Important Points &  Short Notes | Chapter: 2 Physical Features of India

Chapter:- 2 

Physical Features of India

CLASS 12 GEOGRAPHY | Important Points &  Short Notes | Chapter: 2 Physical Features of India

1. In our country India has all major physical features of the earth i.e. mountains, plains, deserts, plateaus and islands. We find different types of rocks: some are hard rock like marble and other are very soft soap stone like talcum powder.

2. Soil is formed out of different types of stone.  One such plausible theory is the "Theory of Plate Tectonic" According to this theory, the crust(upper part) of the earth has been formed out of seven major and some minor plates. 

3. The movement of these plates leading to folding, faulting and volcanic activity. When some plates come towards each other and form convergent boundary. Some plates move away from each other and form divergent boundary . They may also horizontally past each other and form transform boundary.

CLASS 12 GEOGRAPHY | Important Points &  Short Notes | Chapter: 2 Physical Features of India

4. The older landmass, (the peninsula part) was a part of the Gondwana land, it includes India, Australia, South Africa, South Africa and  Antarctica as one landmass. The sedimentary rocks which were accumulated in the geosyncline known as The tethys form the mountain system of western Asia and Himalaya. 

5. The northern plains are formed of alluvial deposits. The peninsula plateau is composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks. The physical features of India can be divides into 6 physiographic divisions are: The Himalayan Mountains, The Northern Plains, The Peninsula Plateau, The Indian Desert, The Coastal Plains and The Islands.

6. (a) The Himalaya Mountains - They are young fold mountains stretch over northern borders of India. 
. These mountain ranges run in a west-east direction from the Indus to the Brahmaputra and form an arc covers a distance of about 2,400 Km. The northern most range known as The Great or Inner Himalayas or 'Himadri' with average height 6.000 metre. The range lying to the south as Himachal or Lesser Himalaya. The outer most as Shiwaliks.

CLASS 12 GEOGRAPHY | Important Points &  Short Notes | Chapter: 2 Physical Features of India

7.(b) Northern Plains- These mountains has been formed by three major river namely- The Indus, The ganga and the Brahmaputra along their tributaries. It spreads over 7 sq. Km about 2400 long and 240 to 320 km broad. This usually describe as flat land with no variation. Northern plain is divided into 4 regions:

A. Bhabar - Narrow belt of 8 to 16 Km parallel to the slopes of Shiwalik is known as Bhabar. The streams and rivers re-emerge and create a wet, swampy and marshy regions known as terai.

B. Bhangar - Largest part of northern plain is formed of older alluvium and they lie above the flood plains of rivers and present a terrace.

C. Kankar- The soil in bhangar region contains calcareous deposits.

D. Khadar- The newer, younger deposits of the flood plains and they are renewed every year so are fertile, ideal for intensive agriculture.

CLASS 12 GEOGRAPHY | Important Points &  Short Notes | Chapter: 2 Physical Features of India

8.(c) The Peninsualar Plateau- It is composed of old crystalline, ifneaous and metamorphic and formed due to breaking and drifting of the Gondwana land. It consists of 2 broad divisions  are this part lies to the north od the Narmada river covering a major area of the Malwa plateau known as Central highlands and The triangular landmass that lies to the south of the river Narmada known as Deccan Plateau and it is also visible is northeast locally known as Meghalaya.

CLASS 12 GEOGRAPHY | Important Points &  Short Notes | Chapter: 2 Physical Features of India

9.(d) The Indian Desert- This desert lies towards the western margins of the Aravali Hills and it's sandy plain is covered with sand dunes. Receive very low rainfall below 150mm streams appears in rainy season they disappear into sand reason not enough water to reach sea. Luni river is the only river here.

CLASS 12 GEOGRAPHY | Important Points &  Short Notes | Chapter: 2 Physical Features of India


10(e) The Coastal Plains- This is flanked by stretch of narrow coastal strips, running along the Arabian Sea on the west and Bay of Bengal on the east.

 Between western Ghats and the Arabian sea is a narrow plain the northern park is known as Konkan (Mumbai-Goa), the central stretch as Kannad plain and the southern as Malabar coast. 

The plains of Bay of Bengal the northern part of it known as Northern Circar , the southern as Coromandel Coast. Lake Chilika is on its eastern coast. 

CLASS 12 GEOGRAPHY | Important Points &  Short Notes | Chapter: 2 Physical Features of India

11(f) The Islands- There are two groups of Islands. The Lakshadweep Islands lying close to Malabar coast OF Kerala is composed of small coral Islands and Kavaratti islands is the administrative headquarters. The Pitti island is inhabited has a bird sanctuary.

The Andaman in the north and Nicobar islands in the south there is great diversity of flora and fauna. These island lie close to equator and experience equatorial climate and has thick forest cover. India's only active volcano found on Barren island here

CLASS 12 GEOGRAPHY | Important Points &  Short Notes | Chapter: 2 Physical Features of India

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